
love, light and mermaid tails

Your healing journey starts here…

Have you just received one of my ‘Random Act of Kindness Envelopes’?

If so then you may be wondering ‘why did she pick me?’ Well the answer is simple; because you displayed something magical. Maybe you were kind, maybe you brought a smile, maybe there was just ‘something about you’. Whatever it was, know that you are amazing! Thank you for shining bright.

Keep reading to find out more.


In January 2016 I was diagnosed with non-genetic stage four ovarian cancer.

There is no stage five. At the time of diagnosis my cancer was terminal.

Suddenly, everything I had identified as ‘me’ came to a stand still. In one moment, after months of pain, tests and assurances that it was “nothing to worry about”, my instinct had proved right and my worst fears had been realised.

Yet, just seven months later I was in remission, and healthier than I’d ever been before.


Life before cancer had seen me working as an award winning researcher specialising in health and healthcare.

Using my expertise as a researcher I dedicated my time to understanding everything I could about my diagnosis and subsequent prognosis. I was not prepared to be a statistic. I was not prepared to die. I was going to be the change.

In the months that followed, understanding my diagnosis, recovery and health became my full time job. The more I researched, the more I uncovered about the possible causes of cancer. I began to realise that whilst I appeared ‘healthy’ there was still much repairing to be done to remove the life-sucking ‘crap’ I’d accumulated over the years.


I gave myself permission to dedicate my time to my health and recovery.

Not a single stone was left unturned as I examined every aspect of my life and, guided by my instinct, I began to make changes.

And do you know what? Wonderful things started to happen.

Just 12 weeks after being told my cancer was inoperable because, not only had it spread throughout the organs in my abdominal cavity but also into my chest cavity, I was approved for surgery. Cancer was no longer evident on my lungs. In fact, the scans weren’t showing any visible signs of cancer anywhere in my body. Amazing huh?!

So, in May 2016 I underwent a 12-hour operation during which five of my organs were removed and four others were partially removed. It was the most radical operation the surgical team had ever performed in one sitting on a patient with stage four cancer.

I’m not going to lie, the weeks that followed were torture. However, just eight weeks after my operation I was on no painkillers, walking 2 miles a day and loving life!

My incredible healing didn’t stop there. Just twelve weeks after this major surgery I began training as a yoga instructor and I knew I was different. I knew something magical was happening inside of my body that was allowing me to live a full and happy life despite my diagnosis.

In August 2016 I was told that my cancer was in remission. Just seven months after being told I had stage four, inoperable cancer I was completely free of the disease. I wasn’t living with cancer anymore. I was surviving and I was THRIVING!

[Update: My latest scan (October 2017) still shows no evidence of disease.]

I knew then that I had to share with others what I had done to change my life, the wonderful lessons cancer had brought me and why I am grateful and give thanks for my diagnosis every single day that I’m alive to tell my story.


We all face adversity. Each and every day brings new challenges and sometime despair. But life is a gift and an adventure waiting to be embraced and enjoyed. It is possible to live a fulfilling and grateful life through adversity. At any given moment we can decide ‘this is not how my story ends’ and begin to rewrite our story.

Cancer taught me how to live a deep and fulfilling life. Rather that making me fear death, it taught me how to love life and how to live each day full of joy and laughter. I want to share with you how cancer has healed my life; the wonderful lessons it has brought me; and why I am grateful and give thanks for my diagnosis every single day that I’m alive to tell my story.

This website is a guide for everyone, not just those with cancer, who wants to embrace a healthier and self-caring approach to their life. It explores how you too can embrace a life with complete physical, mental and emotional health. May it bring you hope, peace and, above all, joy.

Love and light to all xxx

I’m Fi Munro, multi award winning researcher, writer, fundraiser, blogger and stage four cancer survivor!

This is the place where I share my story from diagnosis with stage four cancer to living an incredible, healthy life with my husband in the countryside, running meditation and yoga classes.

Let’s connect and start a healing journey together.

I’m on  , ,  and .


Buy your copy of “Love, Light and Mermaid Tails” in or on  worldwide on Amazon, as well as in good bookstores.

Stay tuned, I’m already working on book number two!


I’ve been recognised as the ‘2017 Health Blogger of the Year’ by HealthUnlocked.

This was an international competition involving blogs from across the UK and USA. I was awarded £600 which, of course, went straight into my ‘Random Act of Kindness’ pot.

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